Saturday, December 12, 2009

Why We Drink Flavored Water With 0 Carbs

Why We Drink Flavored Water With 0 Carbs

Flavored water thrives in the soft drink market where consumers are looking for innovative products at a value.
Flavoring concentrates are one of those new innovative products that makes perfect flavored water each and every time.
Best of all it has no carbs and no calories.

Here are the top reasons we drink flavored water:
1. As an everyday treat, flavored water is quickly becoming a top consumer choice.
2. Drinking water at required levels is difficult and flavored waters makes drinking plain water easier and more fun.
3. As an alternative to bad tasting waters, we drink flavored waters to get our daily intake.
4. Flavored water is a healthy alternative for health minded consumers.
5. We drink flavored water for general refreshment, instead sugary alternatives.
6. To get a feeling of something substantial, we drink flavored water.
7. Flavor concentrates lets us make flavored water and has no artificial sweeteners and use natural sweeteners with 0 carbs, 0 calories, 0 fat.
8. To satisfy a craving for sweetness we look for fruit, berry or citrus tastes with no additional calories from natural sugars.
9. When it comes to diets, flavored water from flavoring concentrates makes the perfect diet drink.
10. As a low cost alternative to high caloric beverages, sodas, juices and pops.
11. Perfect for diabetics.
12. Flavored water is quickly becoming a smart health choice beverage.

We're drinking calories than ever.
About 450 calories daily are consumed from beverages, juices and pops.
About 29 pounds annually.

Rather than drinking beverages loaded with high sucrose corn syrups that are nothing more than sugary water, choose flavored water with 0 calories and 0 carbs.
If there are no flavored water with no carbs available, look at the nutrient label and pick the one with the least amount of carbs.

Now you have a choice in flavored waters and using flavoring concentrates is smart.
Flavored concentrates with 0 carbs is an excellent low cost alternative when it comes to making your own flavored water. Flavor concentrates for flavoring water are easy to carry and easy to use. With flavor concentrates you can blend the flavor strong or subtle.

Next time you need to quench your thirst, reach for a flavored water or flavor concentrate to blend your own. Nothing quenches thirst better than water.
That's why we call water the "perfect thirst quencher"! You can call it the "perfect diet drink" if you use flavor concentrates with 0 carbs.

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Thursday, November 19, 2009

Stevia and Blue Agave Top Recommendations From Dr. Oz For Weight Loss And Diabetics

Dr Oz from ABC show ran a segment on weight loss recently. The patient he was working with was addicted to sugar and need to eliminate sugar from her diet. The patient was reported to be addicted to sugar using over 5 packets of sugar at a time. Dr. Oz recommended two natural sweetener products for her to use : Blue Agave and Stevia.

Diabetes and obesity statistics around the world are extremely high. The food industry has been spinning off healthier foods as a proactive trend that started over a decade ago. Today, the terms ‘natural’ and ‘organic’ are consumers’ preferred terms in healthy food.

Organic Blue Agave- this natural sweetener extracted from the heart of the Blue Agave plant has been consumed for thousands of years. It is sweeter than regular sugar and Agave is a low glycemic Index (GI) sweetener. It is slowly absorbed into the body preventing spikes of blood sugar, so a little goes a long way. Use this delicacy instead of table sugar or for baking.

Stevia based sweeteners offer a combination of positive benefits: natural, high intensity, and zero calories and zero carbs. Stevia-based high purity sweeteners are natural. Stevia is 200-300 times stronger than table sugar and has been a proven product for weight loss and diabetic patients.

Application for this sweetener is growing everyday and this natural sweetener has both favorable physical and functional benefits. Natural stevia-based sweeteners are compatible for use in a wide array of foods, beverages, and dietary supplements. Artificial sweeteners with aspartame and sugar are likely to be the main substitution targets for emerging stevia sweeteners, and beverages will be the initial main application.

In the US the FDA only granted the first no objection letters for Reb-A’s (Rebaudioside –A) use in foods in December 2008 to Cargill. Until then, dried stevia leaves and extracts could only be used in dietary supplements (since 1995). In addition, stevia is expected to be used as a part substitute for sugar and also used in combination with other artificial sweeteners in the emerging phase of lifecycle.
Stevia RA 97 is now recognized as a natural sweetener and not just a dietary supplement. This will bring stevia to main stream quickly.

All of our flavor drops use a hint of stevia to enhance the flavoring and not sweeten it. Try our natural liquid stevia sweetener and see why this product is gaining in popularity.

Dr. Oz knows all about the benefits and attributes of both blue gave and natural stevia.

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Friday, November 6, 2009

Low Carb Flavor Concentrates- A New Discovery For Dietician And Nutritionists

Dieticians and Nutritionists recently conducted their annual conference and expo in Denver in October. Over 800 of these professionals were sampled with natural flavor concentrates that contain just a hint of stevia and 0 carbs.
The response was truly overwhelming. Not only did they think they delivered on flavor, better yet they contained no carbs.

The Dieticians and Nutritionists that were surveyed specialized in areas of weight loss and diabetics. This group of practitioners understood the storyline that we're drinking more calories than ever. About 450 calories a day, that's a whopping 29 pounds annually consumers have to work off. Collectively, they saw the value in a 0 carbs, 0 calorie flavor concentrates used to enhance the flavor of water while promoting proper hydration.

Dieticians and Nutritionists are challenged in the treatment of weight loss and diabetics when it comes to beverages. Their patients are not able to drink high caloric beverages so they have very limited options for beverages and soft drinks.
Natural flavor drops and concentrates with 0 carbs were a welcome recommendation for these professionals.

Here's the problem with most soft drink beverages. Juices, sodas and pops are loaded with high fructose corn syrups, which are typically nothing more than sweetened water. Some of these beverages also contain artificial sweeteners that stimulate insulin, so they are not recommended for diabetics either.

Here's a tremendous benefit to using natural flavor concentrates: they promote proper hydration. When water tastes better, consumers are more likely to drink more water. The better it tastes, the more they drink, it's as simple as that.

For the first time, Dieticians and Nutritionists have a go to product that serves as low cost alternative no carb product to recommend to their patients and consumers alike. Flavoring drops and concentrates are natural flavorings of fruit, berry or citrus and contain just a hint of stevia to enhance the flavoring, not sweeten it.
Some natural flavor drops low carbs and low calories, others on the market contain 0 Calories, 0 Carbs, 0 Fats.

Stevia is a natural sweetener that is approved for diabetics. Stevia is 200-300 times sweeter than sugar and is heat stable to 390 degrees. A prefect natural sweetener to enhance any flavoring application: hot or cold.

Check with your dietician or nutritionist to learn all about natural flavor drops for flavoring water. Natural flavor concentrates are great to flavor water, teas, dairy products and desserts. Flavoring concentrates are great to flavor almost any beverage or food products.

Natural flavoring drops and concentrates are available at your local weight loss or diabetic clinics and health stores. You can easily find these products in the market and they are also available for purchase online at

Natural flavor concentrates are a real value and typically make gallons of flavored water per bottle. Yum Drops flavor concentrates makes 5 gallons of flavored water out of one bottle. Typical serving size is 4-6 drops per 8 oz and a half oz bottles contains 600 drops.

Next time you need to quench your thirst, reach for plain tap water and a natural flavor drop from Yum Drops to make your own flavored waters. Flavor concentrates are pennies a serving, easy to carry and even easier to use. Best of all, you control the strength of flavoring by the number of drops you use letting you blend the perfect tasting flavored waters each and every time.

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Monday, October 26, 2009

”Drinking skim milk can help cure hunger."

Food Network Magazine ran a short article titled” Drinking skim milk can help cure hunger. According to a recent study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, people who drank about two servings of skimmed milk in the AM claimed they felt full throughout the day and consumed about 10% less at lunch time than those who had a fruit juice.

So how do we learn from this and incorporate it into our daily routines. One was is to make skim milk taste better. Yum Drops© Flavoring concentrates work perfectly in milk to enhance the flavoring experiences.

Try some of the more familiar flavors like chocolate, raspberry and strawberry to start off. Then you can get more creative blending your own blended flavors. Try 4 drops of strawberry and two drops of chocolate for a great combination of flavor milk.

Milk is a great alternative to high caloric juices, beverages and sodas. Whatever your beverage choice, always choose low calorie, low carbs or 0 carb, 0 calorie. Take your skim milk to another level by using Yum Drops© natural flavor concentrates. That will make the taste experience even better as you feel fuller throughout the day.

Hopefully you will eat 10% less along the way like the report claims.

Buy Yum Drops© flavoring concentrates with 0 calories and 0 carbs now.

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Monday, October 5, 2009

Stevia is Sweeter Than Sweet!

Stevia Is Sweeter Than Sweet!

Talk about a product in the news. One only has to google the word stevia to find hundreds of websites, blogs and forums dedicated to advancing the popularity of stevia. Our storyline is unique but our research is the essence from dozens of popular online sites, blogs and articles dedicated to advancing stevia as a natural sweetener.

Stevia is most recently rumored to be poised to save the beverage industries sagging sales as reported in Beverage News, 2009. Stevia natural sweetener enhances flavorings and that is expected to be the tipping point to mainstream, and serving as a catalyst to a flavoring revolution for flavored water and all other bottled beverages and food products.

So what’s behind this tipping point anyway? There are basically two components.

1. GRAS Stevia (RA97 Extract) allows you to call stevia a natural liquid sweetener. Before the GRAS approval by the FDA stevia was only able to be used as a dietary supplement, and that’s a big deal.

2. Consumers are finally learning that we’re drinking more calories than ever from beverages, juices and sodas that are either flavored artificially, or are sweetened using high fructose corn syrup, especially for children's drinks that amount to only sweetened water. Combine these two significant components and developments and you have a product, whose time has come.

Stevia is an herb from South American that is naturally 200-300 times sweeter than sugar and has no calories. That’s where our unique storyline gets its headline: sweeter than sweet. Stevia tastes naturally sweet and stevia is considered a highly beneficial product that can be used in all beverages and foods and it is virtually free of calories, so people watching their weight are in love with stevia. Stevia is great for children, since it been reported to prevent cavities. Diabetics are equally excited about a natural sweetener alternative.

Here's an image of our liquid stevia sweetener.
When it comes to your health, for many people stevia is a great health choice. Here's an image of our stevia liquid sweetener. It’s been reported to both help reduce obesity as well as to lower blood sugar levels. There are no known reports of any government agency in any countries indicating any public health concern whatsoever in connection with the use of stevia in foods or beverages. Stevia has many favorable and exciting health benefits and it is completely non-toxic. Stevia, also known as Stevia Rebaudiana or Stevia Rebaudiana Bertoni, is one of the most health restoring herbs on the earth.

Here’s a short perspective on sweeteners. Are you one of those people who count calories and prefer to stay away from artificial sweeteners such as Splenda or Equal? Stevia is the safe, all natural alternative to sugar and chemical sweeteners, such as NutraSweet. The sweetness of Stevia is much different compared to the sweetness of other natural sweeteners, sugar, or artificial sweeteners, but tastes great.

Are there any effects from stevia? The key isolate of Stevia, stevioside, is considered safe and without side effects. There are no known side effects associated with the use of this natural sweetener reported as of this writing.

Diabetics love stevia. Stevia is an ideal choice for diabetics and is becoming increasingly recommended for those suffering from diabetes. Aspartame makes diabetes worse along with sugar, while stevia is used to treat it in Germany, and Japan. Individuals suffering from diabetes, hyperglycemia, or obesity, or other serious ailment should consult with a qualified medical doctor prior to using stevia. The sweet leaf as it is often referred to be used for diabetes, obesity, cavities, hypertension, fatigue, depression, sweet cravings, and infections.

Stevia is also considered healthy for other reasons, but most importantly for diabetics: stevia stimulates the release of insulin and normalizes the response to glucose, particularly in type 2 diabetes, and is also used a therapeutic remedy for hyperglycemia. Stevia is heat stable to 392 degrees Fahrenheit so is great for baking and cooking. Stevia is a helpful aid in weight loss due to the fact that it contains no sugar, no calories and has been shown to reduce craving for sweets and fatty foods. Stevia is being touted as a safe and natural sweetener that is an alternative to artificial sweeteners.

There isn’t a day that goes by when I don’t see an advertisement or two for stevia sweeteners. As a product like stevia becomes more familiar and popularized by advertising campaigns, shortly it will become a main stream product and staple for everyday use and are available in most grocery stores as well as online stores. The natural sweetener has been available in powder form and is now available as a liquid sweetener, easier to carry and use. Learn more about stevia liquid sweeetners and natural flavoring concentrates for flavored water online now at

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Monday, September 28, 2009

Secrets Inside A Nutrient Label For Beverages Flavored Water And Why They Are Both Your Friend And Foe

We look at nutrient labels for different reasons. But, whatever our reasons, everyone needs to know how to use this information more effectively and wisely. When it comes to beverage labels, in general, we’re drinking more calories than ever, so it’s even more important to understand not only the familiar components: calories, carbs and fats, but also deciphering the flavor descriptors for the beverage of choice. When it comes to flavored water, it's just as important.

A beverages flavor descriptor for flavored water and other beverages is a signal to what’s in the drink. Not all descriptions are approved by the FDA, so now you have to deal with fantasy descriptions such as “pure flavoring” and “all natural flavors” along with descriptions that are on point but still just as confusing: “natural”, “artificial”, “natural and artificial”…phew! More on flavoring descriptions later.

The Nutrition Facts Label - An Overview: The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) require food and beverage companies like bottled flavor waters to list nutritional information about their products.

"Nutrition facts" labels help consumers make healthful choices about the foods, flavored waters and other beverages they both eat and drink. Here’s how the FDA explains how to understand what’s important and a few of the most common components:

1. The Nutritional Facts Panel- Here are the nutrients you want to drink or eat less of (saturated fat, cholesterol, sodium and sugar) as well as those you want to get enough of (vitamins, minerals and fiber). A flavored bottled water, beverage or food that provides 5 percent or less of daily value is considered to be low in that nutrient, while a food is considered a good source of a nutrient if one serving provides 20 percent DV.

2. The Serving Size: This is the first nutrient line on the label and the basis for all the numbers and percentages that follow. If you don't check serving size, you could be drinking more calories than you realize, even in something as simple as flavored water. For example, a single serving of your favorite fruit juice is typically one cup, not two, so you’re normal drinking glass could be doubling your actual calorie intake, doubling the calories, fat, carbohydrates, etc. without you even realizing it.

3. Calories: This tells you the number of calories in a serving. Also listed are the calories from fat and sodium. For example, a one-cup serving of typical juice or flavored water has 120 calories per cup and there are 2 servings per bottle, of which 60 or about 50 percent are from carbs. If you're looking to limit carbs, you might choose products with 40 percent or less carbs.

4. The Nutrients: This box lists what's in the beverage, including any added nutrients, fats or sugars. Ingredients are listed in order by weight, from the largest to the smallest. So if you want to cut back on sodium or sugar, don't choose a beverage, flavored water or food product with sugar as the first ingredient. And don't be tricked by different forms of fat and sugar listed with unfamiliar names. If you want to know how much sugar is really in a product, look for what we call the “osis” words that end in "ose" -sucrose, dextrose, fructose - as well as more common synonyms: corn syrup, molasses and honey.

5. Descriptors: What does “pure flavoring” or “all natural” really mean? What does "light", "fat-free" and "low-sodium" really mean? Here's how the FDA defines these words: low-saturated fat (one gram or less per serving); low-sodium (140 milligrams or less); low-cholesterol (20 milligrams or less and 2 grams or less of saturated fat); low-calorie (40 calories or less). Light beverages and foods have two-thirds the calories of the regular variety. Note: It’s important to understand that just because a product is low-fat or low-sugar that does not necessarily me low calories. Here' an example of our flavor concentrate nutrient label.

6. According to the FDA, there are really only three approved flavor descriptors, well 4 if you include spices. Here’s a brief summary and some of the more common language used:

A. Natural- oil, essence or extractive, distillate, or any product which contains the flavoring constituents derived from a spice, fruit, or fruit juice whose significant function is flavoring rather than nutritional.

B. Artificial- any additive used to impart flavor not derived from a spice, fruit or fruit juice.

C. Natural & Artificial- A combination of natural and artificial flavorings.

So, when it comes to flavoring descriptors for the flavored water or beverage you drink, you need to look further when a beverage touts, “pure flavoring”. Look deeper at fruit juices, they taste great but are loaded with high fructose corn syrups, even though they are natural flavorings. Look for alternative beverages that allow you to get all the flavoring with none of the calories, carbs and fats.

Our recommendation is to search and drink more flavored water. There is a wide selection of products to choose from. Be careful and pick the ones with 0 calories, 0 Carbs, 0 Fats. You can also make your own flavored water by cutting up slices of fruit. Search for natural flavoring additives and concentrates with 0 calories, 0 carbs, 0 fats is another low cost alternative to high caloric beverages. These unique flavoring drops are new to the market and let you enhance the flavor of water, teas, coffees, even vodkas with 0 calories. Check out a nutrient label that is right on point for flavoring concentrates.

When it comes to your weight and good health, searching for low cost alternatives to beverages makes good sense. Flavored water with natural flavoring concentrates could be end up becoming your “perfect diet drink”!
Learn more at
Sources: FDA/Govt. food,
Online Resources: FDA/Govt. food,

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Sunday, September 20, 2009

The Peach Fruit And Peach Flavoring Highlighted

"You're such a peach!"

Is one of our most popular cliches when it comes to peaches. The meaning could be anything from your sweet and juicy to your a real find.

"Peach Image" Peaches and peach flavoring is one of summer times great fruits and flavoring experiences. From peach melba to peach salsa the cullinary world uses the peach as a favorite flavoring. But, besides tasting great, the cliche' "you're such a peach" comes with some real nutrient value to you..

Peaches don't have seeds, but they do have the largest stone in the fruit category and that's all good. Fruits with a stone have tremendous nutritional value to it. Peaches like their fruit cousin oranges are loaded with vitamin C, well known for being one of the best vitamnins for your immune system. Also, in the wellness arenas it's also good for your skin, vision and digestive system. Peaches also have a strong bond to their fruit cousin the apple when it comes to dietary fiber,

There are as many varieties of peaches available. Typically, we buy peaches between in the Summer starting in May through October. This is when the fruit is in season, fresh and available.
Here's just a couple from a very long list:
Elberta-- Large, yellow with red cheek juicy and of high quality
Chair's Choice- A late yellow-fleshed variety; very beautiful and desirable
Stump the World- Very large, skin white, with bright red cheek, flesh white, juicy

Yum Drops peach flavoring concentrates and peach flavoring additives are leading the flavoring revolution in general and in flavored water in particular. Our peach flavoring concentrates and additives has a great fresh fruit taste to it, with a slight earthy tone to it. Try it in flavored water and flavored teas, or enhance the flavoring of your favorite dessert or dairy products like yogurts.

Next time says: "did you ever neck with a nectarine" or "your such a peach", you just maybe "the apple for their eye"!

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Monday, September 14, 2009

If You Have Basic Flavoring,You Can Have Your Cake And Eat It Too!!!

The flavor industry calls basic flavorings anchors. An anchor is meant to describe a flavor consumers are familiar with. We know what strawberry is, but what's a pomegranate or acai flavoring anyway?

Raspberry Flavoring Image

When is comes to flavorings in general people have always loves the familiar tastes and smells of orange, lemon and lime flavorings. They love them becasue their expereinces with these flavoring tastes have years of expereince in food and beverages, even flavored waters.

But, not when it comes to acai. In fact, as often as I hear it mentioned, it never is said the same way. So, why even try it when I have the ol' anschors to fall back on when blending flavored waters anyway?

Thank you. You just hit the nail on the head. When it comes to Yum Drops Flavoring concentrates, we have the anchors your looking for, but we also provide you the novu flavoring trends experts see coming. But the thank you is for using the keyword blending. Blending is combining one or more flavors to flavored waters and teas, even flavored coffees, dairy and dessert products.

With our flavor drops we give you the ability to take three flavor anchors and blend them together for your own unique tastes. You can blend two anchors or more or even try to combine some of these not so familiar new ones.

Combining anchor flavors together opens a new world of new flavors to you. Best of all, the flavorings that you know and like already, so no suprises. Everyone knows strawberry and chochoate, chocholate and rasberry. Tries these combinations in milk and watch the kids say ummmm...Yum Drops!!! They are really great in coffees too. When you have a sugar fix, try these flavoring concentrates. They really curb the need for sweets and they are 0 calries, that can't be bad for you.

So, next time you think you want something to top off that fresh brew combine 4 drops of raspberry, 2 drops of vanilla and 1 drop of mint flavoring concentrate. We call that the evening splash. See how good it tastes and watch it curb that sweet tooth at the same time.

When it comes to mint flavoring, you can use it alone or with many different flavorings. Just use your imagination. Best yet, use mint flavoring all by itself. It's great tasting, refreshing, cool and even has a therapeutic aroma to it. Use it flavored water, flavored teas, desserts and yogurts. Flavored teas and mint flavoring are very cooool tasting!

Mint Flavoring Image

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Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Conclusion to Blending Favors for Flavored Water,

This is the conclusion to the 3 part story on blending flavorings. By now you've come to understand that blending flavors adds a new dimension in flavored water. We call that new dimension your signature blend. Signature because no one else knows what it is or what the exact blend is. It could be 4 parts of lemon and 1 part lime. Or it could be 2:2 , equal amounts of lemon flavoring and lime flavoring. If you like lemon and lime flavoring, mixing the two gives you a very familiar taste to your flavored water experience. Tastes almost like fresca. In our case, we already have the two blended in our signature blend. Give it a try.

3 Benefits of Blends and Blending Flavor Concentrates

1-Blending flavors attracts consumers with a sense of adventure

And satisfies that urge to do something different. People are always look for fresh new tastes. Especially the clean taste a citrus blend adds to flavored waters or other dairy, dessert, food applications. When these customers open their pantry or refrigerator door, they want to reach inside for something new, something different, a way to make a bold statement about enhancing a simple product like flavored water. They are looking beyond the flavors of orange or raspberry. Flavor blends allow you to be creative, think out of the box and blend new flavor combinations, while still staying connected to the main stream flavors familiar to both flavored water and other food applications.

2-Blending flavors opens new markets

Blending flavors for flavored waters and other applications helps you connect with new customers and market segments. And, that's critical to the flavored water market. For example, kids choose fruit punches, peanut butter, cotton candy and bubble gum among their top flavor blends. Not all of these apply to flavored waters, but some do very well and those that don't fit in the dairy and dessert applications nicely. Our bubble gum makes a great tasting water actually and kids really like it.

3- Lets you develop and create a signature taste
Available just for you, for your perfect flavored water or dessert application. Letting you combine your own flavoring concentrates makes us unique and the exciting flavor blends they create for our customers sets us apart from our competitors, while peaking consumer interests. and curiosity. You can even come up with a signature name and make it more exciting. Think cold and bold for our lemon-lime flavor blends and call it Artic Rush.

In conclusion, this is the next step for consumer and our company alike. Blending flavors from natural flavor concentrates for flavored waters, desserts, coffees and dairy products. Combining anchor flavor concentrates with trendy flavorings and calling them your, our Signature series of blended flavored waters. Creative names will hopefully catch a child's eye or moms, and help them to get their kids to drink more water or milk, or a new customer that has an inkling for the taming the wild side of blending flavored concentrates to make your own flavored waters.

Top 15 Flavor Blends for Flavored Waters, Desserts, Dairy and Coffee Products

1-lemon-lime flavoring for flavored water, teas and desserts

2- kiwi-strawberry flavoring

3-peach-mango flavoring concentrates

4-blueberry-pomegranate flavoring

5- raspberry-

6-blueberry-acai flavored water, teas desserts and dairy products

7-cranberry and raspberry

8-orange-mango flavored concentrates for flavored waters, teas, dairy and desserts

9-mango-passion fruit flavor





14- berry-pomegranate

15-orange-lime flavoring drops

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Sources: Fona Int., Flavor University 101

Beverage Products Magazine

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

How Flavor Blends are Created for Flavoring Concentrates

Our flavorists work with us and our taste panels to create the perfect blend and combination of flavorings for specific flavoring application. Blends used in flavored waters are really different from blends used in flavor drops for coffee for example. No matter what the application, our flavorists have a lot to consider when developing flavors used as flavor concentrates.

Finding Flavor Balance is a key factor for flavored waters
Balancing is key factor throughout the flavoring development process. Flavorists work hard to find the right amount of each flavor concentrate used in the blend to achieve the right flavor profile. This included the strength of the flavors to be blended. In a pomegranate-acai blend for example, the flavor would 90-95% pomegranate because acai is strong with a woody flavor that is typically more pleasant in smaller amounts.

There are a couple of ways flavorists connect the flavor with us and our customers. The 1st is the flavorist has a clear target, such as matching an existing flavor to the newer flavoring. Other times the flavorist let us determine percentage of each flavor we wish to use in the blend.

Sometimes this is a better approach because it lets the us determine which flavor we want most to dominate in the finish flavor concentrate, or they can even provide us varied levels of concentration and let the us and our customer go through a taste testing preference.

Whenever blending Yum Drops flavor concentrates always choose an anchor flavor. That's one you really like and know. Then choose another flavor concentrate to blend it with. Back to our pomegranate-acai blend. Always use the anchor at 3:1. That means 3 drops of pomegranate to every drop of acai flavoring concentrate.

Consider blending flavor concentrates together. Be creative-the only rule is that it taste great! Some of the best flavored waters and flavored teas are blended flavors. Our most popular combination is peach-mango so we actually made it a flavor blended concentrates. It works as well in flavored waters as it does in flavored teas.

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Monday, August 31, 2009

Flavored Blends Using Flavor Concentrates

Why introduce a flavor blend or even inlcude them at all in your flavoring drops?

Blueberry Flavoring Drops-Pomegranate Flavoring Drops, Mango-Passion Fruit Flavoring Concentrates, Strawberry-Acai. Blending flavor concentrates into flavored waters and other applications can bring a delightful new spin to your tasting expereince. Blending flavored drops motivates our old customers and attracts new ones for blending flavors used in flavored waters and other applications.

Flavor belnds are featued in about 25% of new flavorings introduced, and a much higher percentage in categories such as cereal, energy drinks, desserts and chewing gums. Blending flavor concentrates provides a terrific opportunity to attract consumer attention by adding excitement to a familiar mainstream flavor with a new twist to the up and coming.

Our mainstream flavoring concentrates serve as anchors for the customer, giving them a starting point and basis they're comfortable with, such as rasberry. Blend that flavor drop with the exoctic flavors of acai-berry or pomegranate and we've just given you a new reason to be interested- and purchase our products.

It wasn't that long ago that strawberry-kiwi was first introduced as a flavoring blend. Strawberry was the anchor flavoring since it was already recognized and approved as a basic flavoring additive and then the exotic kiwi was the intriguing step into something new in flavoring. Strawberry flavoring gave customers the reassurance necessary to try the new blend, and now strawberry -kiwi is a mainstream flavoring seen in everything from juices and gums to chap stick and hair care products.

In a 3 part posting, we will follow up with next posting on how flavor blends are created and conclude with the benefits of blending new flavor combinations.

Our flavoring concentrates have 0 fat, 0 carbs and 0 calories. Give them a try!!!

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Saturday, August 29, 2009

Flavored Water Summer Tips

Summer time makes a job of keeping drinks cold and refreshing. Not enough ice and flavored water and other beverages gets warm too quickly. Too much ice and your favorite flavoring dilutes.

Try putting 4 drops of Yum Drops Flavoring concentrates in an ice cube tray. Add three ice cubes in total, one of which has the extra flavoring concentrate. As the flavoring concentrate melts and your drink gets cold, your flavored water is as strong as the very first sip you took.

It's a perfect way to blend flavors together also. I like strawberry flavored water. I use vanilla flavor concentrates in my ice. The vanilla brings out some very interesting taste experiences with the strawberry flavored water.
When is comes to summer time drinks, flavored water using Yum Drops Flavor concentrates is a low cost alternative to bottled flavored waters and high calroic juices, sodas and beverages.
You can save yourself 100's of calories by drinking flavored water. Yum Drops uses natural flavoring and natural stevia sweetener to enhance the taste. Our flavoring concnetrates contain: 0 Carbs, 0 Fats, 0 Calories. A 1/2 oz bottle of flavoring concentrates makes 5 gallons of flavored water, that's pennies serving. Flavoring Drops retail for $6.95. Easy to carry and use anytime anywhere.
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Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Natural Flavoring Concentrates Nutrient Label

Ever wonder what's in a natural flavoring concentrate. Here's a nutrient label from Yum Drops Flavoring so you can see exactly what's in it. Our labels meet Federal labeling requirements and these label have been validated by our our suppliers regulatory compliance.

When it comes to flavoring descriptions, there are only several the Federal Government recognizes. First, all natural flavoring is a misnomer. It's not recognized or approved as an acceptable description.

Here's a quick overview of flavoring descriptions:
Natural Flavoring
Natural & Artificial Flavoring

Next time your looking for flavor drops or flavoring concentrates for water, teas or coffee, look at the label first.

We are getting a lot of testimonials about our natural flavoring cocentrates from happy customers. They tell us they like our flavor drops in milk products as much as they do flavored water. We've heard the our root beer natural drops makes the best root beer floats when added to milk. The parents love the idea of kids wanting more milk and Yum Drops Flavoring is a great way to promote drinking more milk.

Use Yum Drops Flavoring concentrates for flavored water or flavored milk. Your kids will enjoy the taste and you will know that they are drinking more water and milk than usual.

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Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Flavored Waters

Want to get your kids to drink more water and less sugary beverage. Try our natural strawberry flavoring drops and watch what happens when they taste strawberry flavored water. Kids love these flavor drops. With 0 carbs, 0 calories and 0 fat, mom's love them too. A hint of natural stevia enhances the flavor experience.

How can one tasty fruit like strawberry make such a great flavored water and be only half of the story? Besides making an excellent flavored water, try some natural flavor drops in milk. I think the flavored milk taste is even better. And once again, I think getting kids to drink more milk will be easy to do. Take it one step further and add strawberry flavoring concentrates to whip creams, yogurts, for low calorie quick to make desserts.

Replace sugary juices with plan old tap water and Yum Drops flavored water and you will help reduce the 450 calories we consume each day in beverages. That adds up to over 29 pounds a year. Our apple flavored water tastes as good as apple juices on the market today.

Give it a try and buy now and you be the judge.

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Flavored water storyline continued

We posted about the perfect thirst quencher being water and how using Yum Drops flavoring concentrates helps you drink more water because it tastes better. Here's the rest of the story...

Yesterday morning I was sipping apple flavored water and it was exactly what the doctor ordered, figuratively speaking. That afternoon I had no desire for something sweet. I thought a nice citrus taste would be in order and decided on a more basic flavoring for a round of golf in 80 degree weather that requires plenty of water to stay hydrated. Lemon/lime flavored water sounded exactly like what I was looking for, so lemon/lime flavored water it was. Its flavored water with an attitude and taste just like fresca

You simply can't do that with bottled flavored waters available on the market today until now. Bottled flavor water is too expensive also and you can;t consume it everywhere you go. That's why we always recommend using tap water for your flavored water needs. It's usually free, always available in most clubs and businesses.
Besides making your own flavored water at pennies a serving, you can consitently make perfect flavored water each and every time because you control the subtleness and boldness of the flavoring. That varies as frequently as your flavors. I like it bolder when I have a craving for something sweeter but when I'm in a sports activity I really want it subtle to the taste so I can drink as much flavored water as I need to stay properly hydrated.
Flavored water is simple and straight forward to blend:
1 start with 4-6 drops per 8 oz of water
2 use tap water
3 taste and adjust accordingly
4 go to our flavor zone technique for more information
Over 2o flavor concentrates makes over 50 different variations of flavored water. Mix and match or use a singe flavor to blend you own flavored water. Our 1/2 oz bottle makes 5 gallons of perfect flavored water.
Try our new and unique line of flavoring concentrates and blend your own flavored waters now. Hopefully you will like them as much as our most recent customer testimonial reveals.
That's the full storyline.
In following posts we will review more about blending flavored water and show you some more interesting combinations of flavors.
Be well.

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Monday, August 24, 2009

Mixing Flavored Water Concentrates

Combing just the right balance of peach and orange flavored concentrates brings both sweetness and citrus together to make a great tasting flavored water.

Combine flavor concentrates to make your own unique blends of flavored water.

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Flavored Water Storyline

Quench Thirst with water. That's what Time Our Chicago magazine reported in their July 23-29 issue. Simply stated, they reported that 71% of of you said water is your perfect thirst summer drink.

When is comes to real thirst quenching, there is no better choice. But, just like the first piece of pie isn't as good as the second, neither is the second glass of water. And that's the opposite side of the same coin. Drinking sufficient levels of water is important to both quenching your thirst as it is to maintaining proper levels of hydration.

Sometimes water just gets plain boring or doesn't taste very good. Drinking proper levels of water is more often than not, easier said than done. Because of that, consumers today turn to the same ol' choices: alternative beverages for both hydration and thirst quenching. Drinks such as teas, coffees, juices, sports drinks and pop typically loaded with sugar. Ironically the seldom ever satisfy your thirst, usually bloat you and some beverages like coffee and teas that are made with water actually dehydrate you.

Our natural flavoring concentrates for flavored water contain just a hint of natural stevia sweetener to enhance the taste and not sweeten it. Blending your own flavored water is the best of all worlds. Yum Drops flavoring concentrates is a low cost alternative to high caloric beverages, boring water and expensive bottled flavored waters.

Flavored waters by Yum Drops satisfies both your quench for thirst and at the same time lets you drink more because you like the taste since you control the strength or subtleties of the flavored water. It's easy to carry and easy to use also. That's why we call our flavored water the perfect thirst quencher.

Stevia natural sweetener is a great alternative for diabetic and high caloric beverages. That's why we call our flavored water the perfect diet drink. When it comes to natural flavoring concentrates for flavored water, ours has 0 carbs, 0 calories, 0 fat and 0 salt.

Blending flavored waters with Yum Drops Flavoring Concentrates is available in fruit, citrus and berry flavors and is an exciting and hot new health trend.

Drink as much of our flavored water as you want.

Shortly we will continue to storyline as there is even more good news to learn about. We will show you how to combie flavors to make some of our favorite flavored waters. Such as


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