Tuesday, September 1, 2009

How Flavor Blends are Created for Flavoring Concentrates

Our flavorists work with us and our taste panels to create the perfect blend and combination of flavorings for specific flavoring application. Blends used in flavored waters are really different from blends used in flavor drops for coffee for example. No matter what the application, our flavorists have a lot to consider when developing flavors used as flavor concentrates.

Finding Flavor Balance is a key factor for flavored waters
Balancing is key factor throughout the flavoring development process. Flavorists work hard to find the right amount of each flavor concentrate used in the blend to achieve the right flavor profile. This included the strength of the flavors to be blended. In a pomegranate-acai blend for example, the flavor would 90-95% pomegranate because acai is strong with a woody flavor that is typically more pleasant in smaller amounts.

There are a couple of ways flavorists connect the flavor with us and our customers. The 1st is the flavorist has a clear target, such as matching an existing flavor to the newer flavoring. Other times the flavorist let us determine percentage of each flavor we wish to use in the blend.

Sometimes this is a better approach because it lets the us determine which flavor we want most to dominate in the finish flavor concentrate, or they can even provide us varied levels of concentration and let the us and our customer go through a taste testing preference.

Whenever blending Yum Drops flavor concentrates always choose an anchor flavor. That's one you really like and know. Then choose another flavor concentrate to blend it with. Back to our pomegranate-acai blend. Always use the anchor at 3:1. That means 3 drops of pomegranate to every drop of acai flavoring concentrate.

Consider blending flavor concentrates together. Be creative-the only rule is that it taste great! Some of the best flavored waters and flavored teas are blended flavors. Our most popular combination is peach-mango so we actually made it a flavor blended concentrates. It works as well in flavored waters as it does in flavored teas.

Visit us at yumdropsflavoring.com to learn more

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